刘芸 - 研究员 博士生导师-西南大学-资源环境学院-个人资料
邬静淳, 欧阳, 熊兴政, 万盼, 刘芸. 三峡库区消落带2种树木林下土壤的物理性质比较[j]. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(4): 157-164.
万盼,熊兴政,黄小辉,邬静淳,欧阳,邓雪梅,刘芸.2种农药胁迫对油桐幼苗叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响.林业科学, 2016, 52(7):22-29.
yun liu*, j. h. martin willison, pan wan, xing-zheng xiong, yang ou, xiao-hui huang, jingchun wu, hao zhou, qiao xu, guohui chen, yuanzi xili, jiasheng nie. mulberry trees conserved soil and protected water quality in the riparian zone of the three gorges reservoir, china. environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23(6), 5288-5295.
feng dalan, huang xiaohui, liu yun*. j.h. martin willison3. growth and changes of endogenous hormones of mulberry roots in a simulated rocky desertification area. environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23(11), 11171-11180.
欧阳,熊兴政,刘芸,彭/丽/yuan,陈佳玉,袁孝谦.三峡库区“桑枝-食用菌-有机肥”资源循环利用模式及效益分析,蚕业科学,2015,41( 3) : 0577 - 0581.
yun liu & j. h. martin willison. prospects for cultivating white mulberry (morus alba) in the drawdown zone of the three gorges reservoir, china. environmental science and pollution research, 2013, 20(10): 7142-7151.
huang xiaohui, liu yun*, li jiaxing , et al. the response of mulberry trees after seedling hardening to summer drought in the hydro-fluctuation belt of three gorges reservoir areas. environmental science and pollution research, 2013, 20(10): 7103-7111.
李佳杏,黄小辉,刘 芸*,熊兴政,尹小华,陈 阳,秦 俭,黄先智,杜英武.模拟三峡库区消落带土壤水分条件下的桑树幼苗生长状况. 蚕业科学,2012,38(2):0216-0221.
黄小辉,刘芸,李佳杏,熊兴政,尹小华,陈阳,秦俭,黄先智,杜英武. 水分锻炼对三峡库区消落带桑树幼苗生理特性的影响.林业科学,2012,48(12):122—127.
刘芸,钟章成,王小雪,谢 君,杨文英.栝楼雌雄植株的光合作用和蒸腾作用特性.应用生态学报,2011,22 (3): 644-650.
刘芸,钟章成,王小雪,谢 君,杨文英.栝楼雌雄植株激素和多胺含量的比较.园艺学报,2010,37(10):1645-1650.
冯大兰,刘芸,钟章成,杨娟,谢君.三峡库区消落带芦苇( phragmites communis(reed))的光合和叶绿素荧光特性研究. 生态学报,2008,28(5) :2013-2021.
冯大兰,刘芸,黄建国,杨娟,马菲,谢君.三峡库区消落带芦苇穗期光合生理特性研究. 水生生物学报,2009,33(5):866-873.
liu yun, zhong zhangcheng.interactive effects of a-naa and uv-b radiation on the endogenous hormone contents and growth of trichosanthes kirilowii maxim seedlings. acta ecologica sinica,2009,29(4):244-248.
liu yun, zhong zhangcheng. differential response of leaf gas exchange to enhanced ultraviolet-b (uv-b) radiation in three species of herbaceous climbing plants. acta ecologica sinica,2009,29(2):124–129.
刘芸.藤本植物potentilla reptans叶对风和遮阴的响应.生态学报,2007,27(7):2756-2764.
yun liu, feike schieving, j stuefer, and niels anten. the effects of mechanical stress and spectral shading on the growth and allocation of ten genotypes of a stoloniferous plant. annals of botany, 2007,99:121-130.
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