邓修权 副教授-j9九游会

2023-05-06 09:57
  • 邓修权
  • 邓修权 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-经济管理学院-个人资料







齐二石,邓修权,张 彤.cims加工系统性能指标仿真研究.机械设计,1997,(6)\r
李 钢,彭金梅,邓修权.just-in-time的研究现状与发展趋势.工业工程与管理,1997,(6)\r
李钢,齐二石,党占军,邓修权,李从东. 基于bpr理论的cims企业组织重构研究. 计算机集成制造系统,1997,(5)(ei检索)\r
邓修权,李 钢,齐二石.基本拉动系统的petri网模型及其性能分析.天津大学学报,1999,(4)\r
齐二石,邓修权,李 钢.基于petri网模型的基本拉动系统性能分析方法.信息与控制,1999,(7)\r
王林花,邓修权. 核心能力影响因素的分析. 电讯技术,2002,(工业工程专版)\r
邓修权,吴 旸,夏国平. 核心能力的构成及动态发展机理研究. 工业工程,2003,(3)\r
邓修权,吴 旸,上官春霞,王林花. 核心能力构成要素的调查分析——基于中国期刊全文数据库. 科研管理,2003,(2)\r
邓修权,吴 旸,上官春霞,夏国平.基于知识的企业核心能力系统演化机理研究.北京航空航天大学学报(社科版),2003,(4)\r
王林花,邓修权.特许经营体系和核心能力的保护. 电讯技术,2003,(工业工程专版)\r
邓修权,夏国平.企业能力理论及其形成背景分析. 电讯技术,2003,(工业工程专版)\r
guo binhui,deng xiuquan. a research on informatization of teaching management in colleges of high-school. international journal of intelligent information management systems and technologies,2005,(2)\r
魏法杰,邓修权,王际坤.项目管理领域工程硕士课程体系研究.项目管理技术, 2005,(5)\r
邓修权,徐燕姝,郭彬慧. 组织集成化能力演化及其动力研究.科技管理研究,2006,26(4)\r
邓修权,彭金梅. 企业能力新视角:分形企业能力. 管理评论,2007,19(4)(被转载于人大复印报刊资料企业管理研究2007年第8期)\r
邓修权, 潘东娣. 组织能力的系统剖析:从分解到集成[a].王兴元,魏江主编. 中国创新管理前沿(第三辑). 北京:水利水电出版社,2007\r
邓修权,吴寒. 基于分形企业能力的企业能力集成化管理初探. 江西教育学院学报,2008,29(3)\r
吴国清, 张宗科, 张茜, 黄正, 邓修权. 电子废弃物回收处理体系及管理系统的探讨(上)[j]. 家电科技, 2009,(z1):40-41\r
吴国清, 张宗科, 张茜, 黄正, 邓修权. 电子废弃物回收处理体系及管理系统的探讨(下)[j]. 家电科技, 2009,(5):38-39\r
高德华,邓修权,白冰. 基于多主体仿真的流行病研究综述.中国安全科学学报.2010.20(10):135-140.(cscd)\r
bing bai, xiuquan deng , dehua gao. multi-agent modeling and simulation for the evolution of enterprise it capability. journal of computational information systems, 7: 6 (2011) 1855-1862. (ei indexed accession number: 20112614103186).\r
bing bai, xiuquan deng , dehua gao. multi-agent modeling and simulation for the evolution of organizational routines from the cas and egt perspective. journal of information & computational science. 2011.8 (3):495–502.( ei indexed accession number: 20112013990110).\r
ismail laoufi, xiuquan deng, bing bai. multi-agent simulation of adaptive complex production system based on swarm2011.7(8): 2616- 2623, journal of computational information systems, ei indexed accession number: 20113814343424).\r
白冰,邓修权,高德华. 基于复杂系统理论的企业能力研究综述[j]. 现代管理科学. 2011.(3):61-63.\r
邓修权, 张迪, 陈俊杰. 风险管理方法流程化体系研究.广东工业大学学报:社会科学版,2012,12(1):25-30\r
邓修权,白冰, 高德华. 基于惯例的企业能力演化博弈多主体仿真研究[j]. 工业工程 2012.15(1):8-13\r
邓修权,康云鹏,席俊锋,白冰. 高校科研团队资源能力模型构建及其应用研究[j].科学学研究. 2012(1):102-110.\r
高德华,邓修权,白冰. 复杂动态环境下的企业能力系统研究:一个基于主体的仿真分析框架. 系统科学学报(录用,待出版)\r
白冰, 邓修权, 高德华. 基于复杂系统建模与仿真的企业it能力对竞争优势影响机制研究.情报杂志(录用,待出版)\r
白冰,邓修权,高德华. 基于复杂适应系统的企业生产运作多主体建模与仿真. 系统科学学报(录用,待出版)\r
李 钢,党占军,邓修权.基于bpr理论的企业组织重构研究.第四届中国cims学术会议论文集,1996,哈尔滨\r
deng xiuquan, guo deke, chen chao. a preliminary study on the competence theory of advanced production modes. proceedings of the fifth china-japan international symposium on industrial management, 2000, beijing(istp检索)\r
yang jicheng, deng xiuquan, xia yingzi. case study on lean production in b-737 project in shenyang aircraft company. proceedings of the fifth china-japan international symposium on industrial management, 2000, beijing(istp检索)\r
邓修权,魏法杰,郭得科. 我国航空项目管理规范制定的探讨. proceedings of ie&em’2001,天津\r
魏法杰,邓修权,姜丽丽. 航空企业工业工程基本职能及技术体系分析. proceedings of ie&em’2001,天津\r
deng xiuquan, shangguan chunxia, wang linhua, wu yang. investigating and analyzing the paths of developing core competences: based on china journal full paper database. proceedings of the sixth china-japan international conference on industrial management, xi’an, china, 2002(istp检索)\r
jiang man , deng xiuquan, wang linhua, and jiang ping. the systemic study in the characters and identification of core competences. proceedings of 2003 international conference of industrial engineering and engineering management,december 6-8, 2003, shanghai, china\r
chunxia shangguan, xiuquan deng, ping jiang, guoping xia. study on the development mechanism of core competence: based on merger & acquisition. international conference on agile manufacturing,december 4-6, 2003, beijing, china(ei检索)\r
xiuquan deng, linhua wang, ping jiang, man jiang, the systematic study on identifying the core competence of the corporation,proceedings of the seventh china-japan international conference on industrial management, 2004, japan(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, pan dongdi, peng jinmei. study on the integrated decomposition of organizational capability system based on integrated capability. the proceedings of the 13th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management & the 1st international conference on asian industrial engineering and management, 2006, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, song qing, peng jinmei, jiang ping. study on the valuation of the core competence of a corporation based on real options. the proceedings of the 13th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management & the 1st international conference on asian industrial engineering and management, 2006, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, wang dan, guo binhui.integrated analysis on the enterprises’ core competence and further study on their integrated core competence——based on shen hua group company limited.proceedings of the eighth international conference on industrial management, 2006, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan,chentong, pan dongdi. organizational coordination theory and its application in virtual enterprise. the ifip tc8 international conference on research and practical issues of enterprise information systems, 2007, beiing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, liu xiaojing, and chen tong. status and development of electronics waste reverse logistics in china. the ifip tc8 international conference on research and practical issues of enterprise information systems, 2007, beiing, china(istp检索)\r
xiuquan deng, han wu, qing song. research on the organization of r&d of complex products and systems. the ifip tc8 international conference on research and practical issues of enterprise information systems, 2007, beiing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, liu xiaojing. research on corporate capability integration method based on fractal corporate capability. the 14th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management(ie&em'2007)& the 2nd international conference on asian industrial engineering and engineering management, 2007, tianjin, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, wang dan. modeling and analyzing of company capability and fractal company capability based on network graph and the theory of core and core degree. proceedings of the ninth international conference on industrial management, 2008, osaka, japan(istp检索)\r
xiuquan deng, jie luan, binhui guo.study on the development mechanism of organizational integrated capability based on resource structure. 2008 international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing, 2008, dalian, china(ei检索)\r
deng xiuquan, huang haorun. research on the concept model of enterprise capability muti-agent simulation based on cas. proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, huang haorun, wu han. modeling of fractal company capability maturity model based on uecml.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
xiuquan deng, jie luan, tong wei.study on the risk management of education and training project. 2008 international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing, 2008, dalian, china(ei检索)\r
deng xiuquan, liu xiaojing.research on reverse logistics activities integration in electronic manufacturing enterprises.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, ma zhe. research on risk management of large-scale software project based on consumer’s demand.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, xi junfeng. research on project management capability based on complex system theory.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, chen tong,huang haorun. study on the cost and efficiency of virtual industry cluster knowledge transmission networks based on complex network theory.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
deng xiuquan, wu guoqing,huang haorun. discuss on e-waste recycling system and management system.proceedings of the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering, 2008, beijing, china(istp检索)\r
马哲,邓修权. 组织视角的企业危机管理综述. 第四届全国“应急管理——理论与实践”研讨会,2009,开封\r
di zhang, xiuquan deng, rongjun zou. study on the organization and work breakdown structure of the international academic conference event management——take the 38th international conference on computers and industrial engineering for example. proceedings 2009 ieee 16th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management,2009,beijing, china(ei检索,istp检索待查)\r
xiuquan deng, jinmei peng, haorun huang. research on the fractal company modeling based on competence. proceedings 2009 ieee 16th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management,2009,beijing, china(ei检索,istp检索待查)\r
bing bai, xiuquan deng , dehua gao .analyzing complexity of enterprise it capability based on cas. the 2nd international conference on information science and engineering,2010,12(8): pp. 5699-5702. (ei indexed accession number: 11846638).\r
bing bai, xiuquan deng , dehua gao .multi-agent simulation for the evolution of enterprise community in the network society based on swarm and egt 2011 international conference on management science and industrial engineering, msie2011,1.pp.282-286(ei indexed accession number: 11795564).\r
bing bai, xiuquan deng, dehua gao. emergency mode of enterprise unconventional emergency based on cas(forthcoming, the international conference on business,engineering and information technology management (beim 2011) , 2011(5):5040-5043.(ei indexed accession number: 20112914160279).\r
dehua gao, xiuquan deng, bing bai. agent-based simulation for enterprise capabilities under complex dynamic environments. the 8th international conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery , 2011:1001-1005 (ei indexed accession number:20114014404354)\r
zhang junwei. xiuquan deng, bing bai, dehua gao. analyzing complexity of enterprise production system based on cas theory. 2011 international conference on engineering management and service sciences (ei indexed accession number: 20113814349022)\r
dong, hongchang; deng, xiuquan; gao,de-hua; li, xue.post-earthquake emergency rescue system based on multi-agent simulation. 2011 ieee 18th international conference on industrial engineering and engineeringmanagement, ie and em 2011(ei indexed accession number: 20114514486713)

