刘冬艳 - 副研究员-中国科学院金属研究所-沈阳先进材料研究发展中心-个人资料
neo, y. p., ray, s., jin, j., gizdavic-nikolaidis, m., nieuwoudt, m. k., liu, d. y., quek, s. y., encapsulation of food grade antioxidant in natural biopolymer by electrospinning technique: a physicochemical study based on zein-gallic acid system, food chemistry, 136 (2013) 1013–1021.
liu, d. y., yuan, x. w., bhattacharyya, d., the effects of cellulose nanowhiskers on electrospun poly (lactic acid) nanofibres, journal of materials science, 47 (2012)3159-3165.
j. upadhyay, r. das, s. rao, d. liu, d. bhattacharyya, manufacturing and characterisation of pmma-graphene oxide (go) nanocomposite sandwich films with electrospun nano-fibre core, journal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering, 55(2012)835-840.
rao, s., liu, d., jaiswal, p., ray, s., bhattacharyya, d., electrospun nanofibre cores containing graphene oxide for sandwich films: manufacturing and analysis, advanced materials research, 410(2012)26-30.
liu, d. y., yuan, x. w., easteal, a. j., bhattacharyya, d., characterisation of solution cast cellulose nanofibre-reinforced – reinforced poly (lactic acid), express polymer letters, 4(2010)26-31
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