蔡昌盛 博士 教授 硕导-j9九游会

2023-05-18 12:46
  • 蔡昌盛
  • 蔡昌盛 - 博士 教授 硕导-中南大学-地球科学与信息物理学院-个人资料



蔡昌盛,男,加拿大卡尔加里大学访问学者。1999 年获武汉大学(原武汉测绘科技大学)“大地测量学”学士学位,2002 年获武汉大学“大地测量学与测量工程”硕士学位。2004 年开始在中国矿业大学攻读博士,2008 年获得“大地测量学与测量工程”博士学位。2006 年9 月至2009 年9 月在加拿大卡尔加里大学进行为期三年的全职访问研究,回国后进入中南大学工作。曾参加加拿大自然研究基金等多项课题研究工作,主持2项国家自然科学基金项目,参加国家重点研究计划项目一项。多次参加在美国举办的国际导航协会(ion)卫星导航会议,2008年获国际导航协会(ion)研究生优秀论文奖。从2001年到现在,在国外期刊gps solutions以及国内武汉大学学报等期刊上共发表论文四十余篇,其中第一作者(通讯作者)发表sci期刊论文22篇。在科学出版社出版专著一部“多模gnss融合精密单点定位理论与方法”,第一发明人授权发明专利两项。现为国际“journal of geodesy”等多家杂志审稿人,中国测绘地理信息学会海洋测绘专业委员会委员,\




1、xianqiang cui, tianhang gao and changsheng cai *(2019). a quad‐constellation gnss navigation algorithm with colored noise mitigation. sensors, 2019, 19, 5563; doi:10.3390/s19245563
2、xiaotao bai, changsheng cai*(2019). independent temporal and spatial variation analysis of ionospheric tec over asia-pacific area based on bds geo satellites. measurement science and technology. doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab4eb8
3、yonglin zhang, changsheng cai* , biyan chen, and wujiao dai (2019).consistency evaluation of precipitable water vapor derived from era5, era‐interim, gnss, and radiosondes over china. radio science. doi:10.1029/2018rs006789
4、yangzhao gong; changsheng cai*; wujiao dai; jianjun zhu (2019). least-squares collocation modeling of regional ionospheric tec for accelerating real-time single-frequency ppp convergence. iet radar, sonar & navigation. doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2018.5504, 2019
5、changsheng cai, guang liu, zhonghai yi*, xianqiang cui,cuilin kuang (2019). effect analysis of higher-order ionospheric corrections on quad-constellation gnss ppp. measurement science and technology, 2019, 30(2), 024001,doi:10.1088/1361-6501/aaf555
6、zhounan dong, changsheng cai *, rock santerre and cuilin kuang(2018). an enhanced multi-gnss navigation algorithm by utilising a priori inter-system biases. the journal of navigation, 2018,71(2):339-351doi:10.1017/s0373463317000637
7、changsheng cai, yangzhao gong, yang gao*, cuilin kuang (2017). an approach to speed up single-frequency ppp convergence with quad-constellation gnss and gim. sensors, 17(6), 1302.
8、shirong ye, pengfei xia,changsheng cai*(2016).optimization of gps water vapor tomography technique with radiosonde and cosmic historical data.annales geophysicae, 2016(34): 789-799. ,doi:10.5194/angeo-34-789-2016
9、lin pan,changsheng cai*, rock santerre, xiaohong zhang(2016) performance evaluation of single-frequency point positioning with gps, glonass, beidou and galileo.survey review. doi:10.1080/00396265.2016.1151628., 2017,49 (352):197-205
10、changsheng cai, chang he, rock santerre, lin pan, xianqiang cui,*, jianjun zhu(2016).a comparative analysis of measurement noise and multipath for four constellations: gps, beidou, glonass and galileo. survey review,48(349): 287-295
11、changsheng cai, yang gao, lin pan, jianjun zhu (2015).precise point positioning with quad-constellations: gps, beidou, glonass and galileo. advances in space research, 56(1):133- 143.
12、lin pan,changsheng cai*,rock santerre, jianjun zhu (2014).combined gps/glonass precise point positioning with fixed gps ambiguities.sensors, 14(9): 17530-17547
13、changsheng cai, lin pan, yang gao. (2014).a precise weighting approach with application to combined l1/b1 gps/beidou positioning.journal of navigation, 67(5): 911-925
14、changsheng cai, xiaomin luo, zhizhao liu, qinqin xiao (2014).galileo signal and positioning performance analysis based on four iov satellites. journal of navigation, 67(5):810-824
15、changsheng cai, xiaomin luo, jianjun zhu (2014).modified algorithm of combined gps/glonass precise point positioning for applications in open-pit mines. transactions of nonferrous metals society of china, 24(5):1547-1553
16、changsheng cai,yang gao, lin pan, wujiao dai (2014).an analysis on combined gps/compass data quality and its effect on single point positioning accuracy under different observing conditions. advances in space research, 54(5): 818-829
17、pengfei xia,changsheng cai*, zhizhao liu* (2013) gnss troposphere tomography based on two-step reconstructions using gps observations and cosmic profiles. annales geophysicae, 2013(31):1805-1815(sci),doi:10.5194/angeo-31-1805-2013
18、changsheng cai, zhizhao liu, xiaomin luo (2013).single-frequency ionosphere-free precise point positioning using combined gps and glonass observations. journal of navigation, 66 (3): 417-434
19、changsheng cai,yang gao (2013). glonass-based precise point positioning and performance analysis. advances in space research, 51(3):514-524
20、changsheng cai, zhizhao liu, pengfei xia, wujiao dai (2013). cycle-slip detection and repair for undifferenced gps observations under high ionospheric activity. gps solutions, 17(2):247-260
21、changsheng cai,yang gao (2013). modeling and assessment of combined gps/glonass precise point positioning. gps solutions, 17(2):223-236
22、changsheng cai, yang gao (2009). a combined gps/glonass navigation algorithm for use with limited satellite visibility. the journal of navigation, 62(4):671-685



