崔晓杰 - 讲师-中央民族大学-生命与环境科学学院-个人资料
2015.6-2017.7法国巴黎居里研究所(institut curie)博士后
2005.9-2009.7山东大学化学与化工学院(化学基地班) 学士
1.aurèle piazza#,xiaojie cui#, michael adrian, frédéric samazan, brahimheddi, anh tuân phan* and alain nicolas*, “non-canonical g-quadruplexes cause the hceb1 minisatellite instability insaccharomyces cerevisiae”, #co-first author,elife,2017, 6, e26884.
2.xiaojie cui, qiang zhang, han chen, jiang zhou, and gu yuan*, “esi mass spectrometric exploration of selective recognition of g-quadruplex in c-myb oncogene promoter using a novel flexible cyclic polyamide”,j. am. soc. mass spectrom.,2014, 25, 684.
3.xiaojie cui, sen lin, jiang zhou and gu yuan*, “investigation of non-covalent interaction
of natural flexible cyclic molecules with telomeric rna g-quadruplexes by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”,rapid commun. mass spectrom.,2012, 26 , 1803.
4.xiaojie cui, sen lin and gu yuan*, “spectroscopic probing of recognition of the g-quadruplex in c-kit promoter by small-molecule natural products”,int. j. biol. macromol.,2012, 50, 996.
5.xiaojie cuiandgu yuan*, “formation and recognition of g-quadruplex in promoter of c-myb oncogene by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”,j. mass spectrom.,2011, 46, 849.
6.qiang zhang,xiaojie cui, sen lin, jiang zhou, and gu yuan*, “convenient method for the synthesis of a flexible cyclic polyamide for selective targeting of c-myb g-quadruplex dna”,org. lett.,2012, 14, 6126.
7.han chen, haitao long,xiaojie cui, jiang zhou, ming xu and gu yuan*, “exploring the formation and recognition of an important g-quadruplex in a hif1-alpha promoter and its transcriptional inhibition by a benzo-c-phenanthridine derivative”,j. am. chem. soc.,2014, 136, 258.
8.sen lin, huipinggu, ming xu,xiaojie cui, youyi zhang, wei gao and gu yuan, “the formation and stabilization of a novel g-quadruplex in the 5 '-flanking region of the relaxin gene”,plos one,2012, 7, e31201.
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