高峰 教授,博士生导师-j9九游会

2023-05-22 14:03
  • 高峰
  • 高峰 - 教授,博士生导师-华东理工大学-药学院-个人资料



yuan zt, ye yj, gao f*, yuan hh, lan mb, lou ky, wang w. chitosan-graft-β-cyclodextrin nanoparticles as a carrier for controlled drug release. int j pharm. 2013, 446: 191-198.
陈水娟, 付栋君, 高姗姗, 高峰*, 左建平. 难溶性药物bmcp25 二甲基-β- 环糊精包合物的表征及在大鼠体内的药动学. 中国医药工业杂志. 2013, 44 (2): 171-174.
陈香, 姚芳, 陈水娟, 方源, 高峰*, 钟建江. 灵芝酸单体 t 片剂的制备及其兔体内药动学研究. 中国药学杂志. doi: 10. 11669/ cpj. 2013. 12.00?
gao ss, sun j, fu dj, zhao hl, lan mb, gao f*. preparation, characterization and pharmacokinetic studies of tacrolimus-dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex-loaded albumin nanoparticles. int j pharm. 2012, 427: 410-416.
shen q,gao ss, gao f*. curative effect of novel oral carbon microspheres on streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus in rats. j chin pharm sci. 2012, 21: 234-241.
wang f, gao f*. oxidative mechanisms contribute to nanosize silican dioxide-induced developmental neurotoxicity in pc12 cells. toxicol in vitro. 2011, 25: 1548-1556.
xie yn, gao f*. preparation of a novel activated carbon microsphere and its in vitro adsorption characteristics for biological molecules. j chin pharm sci. 2011, 20: 303-308.
jiang zj, jin tt, gao f, liu jw *,zhong* jj, zhao h*. effects of ganoderic acid me on inhibiting multidrug resistance and inducing apoptosis in multidrug resistant colon cancer cells. process biochem, 2011, 46: 1307-1314.
高原, 蔡轶军, 高峰*.硫酸氢氯吡格雷片处方和制备工艺研究. 中国药学杂志, 2011, 46(2): 117-123.
陶少林, 陈香, 钟建江, 高峰*. 灵芝酸单体me肠溶胶囊制备及其兔体内生物利用度测定. 中成药. 2011, 33 (6): 950-954.
sun y, gu l, gao y, gao f*.preparation and characterization of 5-fluorouracil loaded chitosan microspheres by a two-step solidification method. chem pharm bull. 2010, 58: 891-895.
chen x, tao sl, gao f*, zhong jj. quantitative determination of ganoderic acid t in rat plasma by a sensitive rp-hplc method and its pharmacokinetic studies. j chin pharm sci. 2010, 19: 171-175.
杨春梅, 顾磊, 孙怡, 施竟成, 乐子娜, 高峰*. 离子交联法制备氟尿嘧啶壳聚糖微球的研究. 华东理工大学学报. 2010, 36: 546-549.
杨春梅, 顾磊, 孙怡, 孙军, 高峰*. 戊二醛一步固化法制备5-氟尿嘧啶壳聚糖微球制剂的研究.中国医药工业杂志. 2010, 41(1): 23-26.
xu k, liang x, gao f, zhong jj, liu jw. antimetastatic effect of ganoderic acid t in vitro through inhibition of cancer cell invasion. process biochem. 2010, 45: 1261-1267.
yuan hh, gao f, zhang zg, miao ld, yu rh, zhao hl, lan mb. study on controllable preparation of silica nanoparticles with multi-sizes and their size-dependent cytotoxicity in pheochromocytoma cells and human embryonic kidney cells. j health sci. 2010, 56: 632-640.
zhao hl, zhang jf, gao f, lan mb. synthesis, spectral properties and cell assays of novel fluorophore-modified-β-cyclodextrin derivatives. adv sci lett. 2010, 3: 1-6.
lan mb, zhang yh, zheng y, yuan hh, zhao hl, gao f. antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities of polysaccharides from moxa (artemisia argyi) leaf. food sci biotechnol. 2010, 19: 1463-1469.
wang f, gao f*, lan mb, yuan hh, huang yp, liu jw. oxidative stress contributes to silica nanoparticle-induced cytotoxicity in human embryonic kidney cells. toxicol in vitro. 2009, 23: 808-815.
陶少林, 钟建江, 高峰*.高效液相色谱法测定大鼠全血中的灵芝酸单体me. 现代仪器. 2009, 15(1):26-28.
李艾斯,黄永平, 刘建文, 蓝闽波, 高峰. 药用纳米sio2 对人正常肺细胞的氧化损伤. 中国临床药理学与治疗学. 2009, 14(10), 1115-1120.
gao f, kodama t, chen xh, okada k, honda k. a targeting approach for delivery of polymer microparticle-antibody conjugate against vibrio parahaemolyticus - induced cytotoxicity to human intestinal epithelial cells. j drug target. 2007, 15 (6): 428-36.
万晓璐, 王苏莉, 高峰, 崔景斌. 避蚊胺缓释霜剂的研制及其体外的经皮渗透.华西药学杂志. 2007, 22(2), 174-176.
陶一丹, 谢毅妮, 腾娜, 高峰. 新型口服活性炭微球对内源性分子肌酐的吸附性能研究. 广州化工. 2007, 35(5), 32-35.
ren f, jing q, tang y, shen y, chen j, gao f, cui j. characterization of bicalutamide solid dispersions and improvement of the dissolution. drug dev ind pharm. 2006, 32(8): 967-72.

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