
陈献 - 讲师-深圳大学-材料学院-个人资料
2017年5月~至今, 深圳大学, 助理教授
[14] t. sun, b. xu, b. chen, x. chen, m. li, p. shi, and f wang, anti-counterfeiting patterns encrypted with multi-mode luminescent nanotaggants, nanoscale 2017, 9, 2701-2705.
[13] w. kong, t. sun, b chen, x. chen, f. ai, x. zhu, m. li, w. zhang, g. zhu, and f. wang, a general strategy for ligand exchange on upconversion nanoparticles, inorg. chem. 2017, 56, 872–877.
[12] l. jin, x. chen, c. k. siu, f. wang, and s. f. yu, enhancing multiphoton upconversion from nayf4:yb/tm@nayf4 core–shell nanoparticles via the use of laser cavity, acs nano 2017, 11, 843–849.
[11] x. chen, l. jin, w. kong, t. sun, w. zhang, x. liu, j. fan, s. yu, and f. wang, confining exciton migration in upconversion nanoparticles towards deep ultraviolet lasing, nat. commun. 2016, 7, 10304.
[10] b. chen, y. liu, y. xiao, x. chen, y. li, m. li, x. qiao, xianping fan, feng wang, amplifying xxcitation-power sensitivity of photon upconversion in a naybf4:ho nanostructure for direct visualization of electromagnetic hotspots, j. phys. chem. lett. 2016, 7, 4916–4921.
[9] f. ai, q. ju, x. zhang, x. chen, f. wang, g. zhu, a core–shell–shell nanoplatform upconverting near-infrared light at 808 nm for luminescence imaging and photodynamic therapy of cancer, sci. rep. 2015, 5, 10785.
[8] x. chen, d. peng, q. ju, f. wang, photon upconversion in core–shell nanoparticles, chem. soc. rev. 2015, 44, 1318–1330.
[7] q. ju, x. chen, f. ai, d. peng, x. lin, w. kong, p. shi, g. zhu, f. wang, an upconversion nanoprobe operating in the first biological window, j. mater. chem. b 2015, 3, 3548–3555.
[6] b. chen, d. peng, x. chen, x. qiao, x. fan, f. wang, establishing the structural integrity of core–shell nanoparticles against elemental migration using luminescent lanthanide probes, angew. chem. int. ed. 2015, 54, 12788–12790.
[5] d. peng, q. ju, x. chen, r. ma, b. chen, g. bai, j. hao, x. qiao, x. fan, f. wang, lanthanide-doped energy cascade nanoparticles: full spectrum emission by single wavelength excitation, chem. mater. 2015, 27, 3115–3120.
[4] y. zhou, s.-t. han, x. chen, f. wang, y.-b. tang, v.a.l. roy, an upconverted photonic nonvolatile memory, nat. commun. 2014, 5, 4720.
[3] h. wen, h. zhu, x. chen, t. f. hung, b. wang, g. zhu, s. fung yu, f. wang, upconverting near-infrared light through energy management in core–shell–shell nanoparticles, angew. chem. int. ed. 2013, 52, 13419–13423.
[2] x. chen, d. peng, f. wang, tuning nayf4 nanoparticles through alkaline earth doping, nanomaterials 2013, 3, 583–591.
[1] h. zhu, x. chen, l. m. jin, q. wang, f. wang, s. f. yu, amplified spontaneous emission and lasing from lanthanide-doped up-conversion nanocrystals, acs nano 2013, 7, 11420–11426.
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