
康怀志 - 教授级高工-厦门大学-萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院-个人资料
研究和教育经历 2015—至今 教授级高级工程师,厦门大学萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院 2010—2015 高级工程师,厦门大学化学化工学院 2009—2010 博士后,美国university of florida化学系 2005—2009 博士,美国university of florida化学系 1999—2002 硕士,美国bowling green state university化学系 1994—1999 本科,中国科学技术大学,高分子科学与工程系
1.表面增强拉曼光谱技术; 2.基于光谱及分离技术的现场快速检测方法 3.功能性纳米材料的合成、制备与表征 4.基于核酸和纳米材料的生物传感器 5.食品安全、环境监测、公共安全及生物医药等领域应用技术开发
1. zhai, xiaoman; gong, yunqian; yang, wen; kang, huaizhi*; zhang, xiaoling*, mn-doped cds/zns/cds qd-based fluorescent nanosensor for rapid, selective, and ultrasensitive detection of copper(ii) ion, rsc adv., (2015), 5, 63458–63464 2. yang, mengqi; zhang, xiaoling*; liu, haipeng; zhu, zhi; yang, wen; kang, huaizhi*; tan, weihong*, a stable dna nanomachine based on duplex-triplex transition for ratiometric imaging instantaneous ph changes in living cells , analytical chemistry (2015), 87(12):5854-5859 3. li, jiuxing; zhu,binqing; xiujie, yao; zhang, yicong; zhu, zhi; tu, song; jia, shasha; liu, rudi; kang, huaizhi*; yang, chaoyong*, a synergetic approach for simple and rapid conjugation of gold nanoparticles with oligonucleotides, acs applied materials & interfaces (2014) 6 (19), 16800–16807 4. kang, huaizhi; lin, liping; rong, mingcong; chen, xi, a cross-reactive sensor array for the fluorescence qualitative analysis of heavy metal ions, talanta (2014), 129 , 296–302 5. kang, huaizhi; liu, haipeng; trondoli, anna; tan, weihong, near-infrared light-responsive core–shell nanogels for targeted drug delivery. acs nano (2011), 5 (6), 5094–5099 6. kang, huaizhi; liu, haipeng; zhang, xiaoling; yan, jilin; zhu, zhi; yang, huanghao; kim, youngmi; tan, weihong, photoresponsive dna-crosslinked hydrogels for controllable release and cancer therapy. langmuir (2011), 27 (1), 399-408. (featured by nature (2011), 470, 9: materials science: lights on for drug delivery) 7. kang, huaizhi; meghan, o' donoghue; liu, haipeng, tan, weihong, a liposome-based nanostructure for aptamer directed delivery. chemical communications (2010), 46, 249-251 8. kang, huaizhi; liu, haipeng; phillips, joseph; cao, zehui; kim, youngmi; chen, yan; yang, zunyi; tan, weihong, a single-dna molecule nanomotor regulated by photons. nano letters (2009), 9(7), 2690-2696 9. kim, youngmi; liu, haipeng; phillips, a. joseph; kang, huaizhi; tan, weihong, using photons to manipulate enzyme inhibition by an azobenzene-modified nucleic acid probe. pnas (2009), 106(16), 6489-6494 10. kang, huaizhi; wang, lin, donoghue, o’ meghan, cao, y. charles, tan, weihong, nanoparticles for biosensors, optical biosensors: today and tomorrow (2nd edition) (2008), 583-622
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