wong,corinne - 助理教授-波士顿学院-个人资料
wortham, b.e., wong, c.i., silva, l.c.r., mcgee, d., montanez, i.p., rasbury, e.t., cooper, k.m., sharp, w.d., glessner, j.g., santos, r.v., in press, earth and planetary science letters.
wong, c.i., potter, g.l., montanez, i.p., otto-bliesner, b.l., evolution of moisture transport to the western us during the last deglaciation. 2016, geophysical research letters, 43, 3468-3477, doi: 10.1002/2016gl068389
wong, c.i. and breecker, d.o., 2015, quaternary science reviews, vol. 127, pg. 1-18.
wong, c.i., banner, j.l., musgrove, m., 2015. quaternary science reviews, vol. 127, pg. 155-173.
wong, c.i., kromann, j.s., hunt, b.b., smith, b.a., and banner, j.l., 2013. groundwater, vol. 52, no. 4, pg. 624-639, doi: 10.1111/gwat.12106
wong, c.i., sharp, j.m., hauwert, n., landrum, j., and white, k.m., 2012, elements, vol. 8, pg. 429-434.
wong, c.i., mahler, b.j. musgrove, m., and banner, j.l., 2012, journal of hydrology, 468, 159-172, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.030.
wong, c.i., banner, j. l., musgrove, m., 2011, , geochimica et cosmochimica acta, vol. 75, 3514-3529, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.025.
wong, c. and banner, j.l., 2010, , journal of geophysical research: biogeosciences, vo. 115, pg. g04018, doi: 10.1029/2010jg001301.
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