hansen,ulla 教授-j9九游会

  • hansen,ulla
  • hansen,ulla - 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料



rajasekaran d, siddiq a, willoughby jls, biagi jm, christadore lm, yunes sa, gredler r, jariwala n, robertson cl, akiel ma, shen x-n, subler ma, windle jj, schaus se, fisher pb, hansen u, sarkar d. (2015) small molecule inhibitors late sv40 factor (lsf) abrogate hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc): evaluation using an endogenous hcc model. oncotarget 6:26266-26277.
grant tj, bishop ja, christadore lm, barot g, chin hg, woodson s, kavouris j, siddiq a, gredler r, shen xn, sherman j, meehan t, fitzgerald k, pradhan s, briggs la, andrews wh, sarkar d, schaus se, hansen u. (2012). antiproliferative small molecule inhibitors of the transcription factor lsf reveal oncogene addiction in hepatocellular carcinoma. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, u.s.a., 109:4503-4508.
schneider s, smith t, hansen u. (2011) scorem: statistical consolidation of redundant expression measures. nucleic acids research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr1270.
saxena uh, owens l, graham jr, cooper gm, hansen u. (2010). prolyl isomerase pin1 regulates transcription factor lsf (tfcp2) by facilitating dephosphorylation at two serine-proline motifs. j. biol. chem. 285:31139-31147.
hansen u, owens l, saxena uh (2009). transcription factors lsf and e2fs: tandem cyclists driving g0 to s? cell cycle, 8:2146-2151.
saxena uh, powell cmh, fecko jk, cacioppo r, chou hs, cooper gm, hansen u. (2009). phosphorylation by cyclin c/cdk2 following mitogenic stimulation of murine fibroblasts inhibits transcriptional activity of lsf during g1 progression. molecular and cellular biology 29, 2335-2345.
repetny kj, zhou x, holodick ne, rothstein tl, hansen u. (2009). binding of lbp-1a to specific immunoglobulin switch regions in vivo correlates with specific repression of class switch recombination. european journal of immunology, 39:1387-1394.
zhu n, hansen u. (2007). hmgn1 modulates estrogen-mediated transcriptional activation through interactions with specific dna-binding transcription factors. mol cell biol 27, 8859-8873.
licht jd, grossel mj, figge j, hansen u. (1990). drosophila krüppel protein is a transcriptional repressor. nature 346, 76-79.

