
pal,uday - 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
l.j. miara, s.n. basu, u.b. pal, and s. gopalan, ” 2d numerical model for identification of oxygen reduction reaction mechanisms in patterned cathodes of la0.6sr0.4co0.2fe0.8o3-δ“, j. electrochemical society, 159 (8), 2012, p. f419.
r. haboury, u.b. pal, p.a. zink, s. gopalan, and s.n. basu, “study of an energy storage and recovery concept based on the w/wo3 redox reaction part i. kinetic study and modeling of the wo3 reduction process for energy storage”, metallurgical and materials transaction b, 43 (4), 2012, p. 1001.
x. guan, p.a. zink, u.b. pal, and a.c. powell, “recycling of magnesium alloy employing refining and solid oxide membrane (som) electrolysis”, metallurgical and materials transactions b, 44 (4), 2013, p. 261
j. milshtein, e. gratz, s.n. basu, s. gopalan, and u.b. pal, “study of the two-step w/wo3solar to fuel conversion cycle for syn-gas production”, journal of power sources 236, 2013, p. 95.
j. milshtein, e. gratz, s. pati, a.c. powell, and u.b. pal, “yttria stabilized zirconia membrane stability in molten fluoride fluxes for low-carbon magnesium production by the som process”, journal of mining and metallurgy, section b: metallurgy, 49(2), 2013, p. 183.
g.h zhang, k.c. chou, and u.b pal, “estimation of sulfide capacities of multicomponent slags using optical basicity”, isij international, 53(5), 2013, p. 761
e.s. gratz, j.d. milshtein, and u.b. pal, “determining yttria-stabilized zirconia (ysz) stability in molten oxy-fluoride flux for the production of magnesium with the som process”, j. am. ceram. soc., doi: 10.1111/jace.12449, 1–7 (2013).
x. guan, u.b. pal, and a.c. powell, “an environmentally friendly process involving refining and membrane-based electrolysis for magnesium recovery from partially oxidized scrap alloy”, j. of metals, doi: 10.1007/s11837-013-0659-3, 65 (10), 2013, p.1285.
x. guan, u.b. pal, s. gopalan, and a.c. powell, “lsm (la0.8sr0.2mno3-δ)–inconel inert anode current collector for solid oxide membrane (som) electrolysis”, j. of electrochemical society, doi: 10.1149/2.016311jes, 160 (11), 2013, f.1179.
e. s. gratz, x. guan, j. milshtein, u.b. pal, and a.c. powell, “mitigating the electronic current in solid oxide membrane electrolysis for magnesium production”, metallurgical and materials transaction b, doi: 10.1007/s11663-014-0060-9 (2014).
x. guan, u.b. pal, and a.c. powell, “environmentally friendly solid oxide membrane electrolysis process for magnesium oxide reduction: experiment and modeling”,metallurgical and materials transactions e, doi: 10.1007/s40553-014-0013-x (2014).
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