talbot,jennifer 助理教授-j9九游会

  • talbot,jennifer
  • talbot,jennifer - 助理教授-波士顿大学-个人资料



peay kg, p kennedy, jm talbot (2016) dimensions of biodiversity in the earth mycobiome. nature reviews microbiology 14: 434-447.
sinsabaugh rl, bl turner, jm talbot, bg waring, js powers, cr kuske, dl moorhead, jj folstad shah (2016) stoichiometry of microbial carbon use efficiency in soils. ecological monographs 86(2): 172-189.
talbot jm, f martin, a kohler, b henrissat, and kg peay (2015) functional guild predicts the enzymatic role of fungi in litter and soil biogeochemistry. soil biology and biochemistry 88: 441-456.
glassman si, kg peay, jm talbot, dp smith, ja chung, jw taylor, r vilgalys, and td bruns (2015) a continental view of pine-associated ectomycorrhizal spore banks: a quiescent functional guild with a strong biogeographic pattern. new phytologist 205: 1619-1631.
liao h-l, y chen, td bruns, kg peay, jw taylor, s branco, jm talbot, and r vilgalys (2014) metatranscriptomic analysis of ectomycorrhizal roots reveals genes associated with piloderma-pinus symbiosis. environmental microbiology doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12619
talbot jm, td bruns, jw taylor, dp smith, s branco, si glassman, s erlandson, r vilgalys, h-l liao, me smith, and kg peay (2014) endemism and functional convergence across the north american soil mycobiome. proceedings of the national academy of sciences doi:10.1073/pnas.1402584111.
talbot jm, s erlandson, d smith, s glassman, r vilgalys, t bruns, j taylor, m smith, kg peay (2013) independent roles of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi in soil organic matter decay. soil biology and biochemistry. 57: 282-291.
talbot jm, kk treseder (2012) interactions between lignin, cellulose, and n drive litter chemistry-decay relationships. ecology. 93: 345-354 (featured on journal cover).

