
李俊华 - 教授-清华大学-环境学院-个人资料
1988.9 – 1992.7 吉林大学化学系物理化学 学士 \r
1994.9 – 1997.7 中国原子能科学研究院核化学化工 硕士 \r
1998.9 – 2001.7 中国原子能科学研究院核燃料循环与材料 博士 \r
1992.07-2001.12 中国原子能科学研究院 \r
2002.01-2003.11 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士后 \r
2003.12-2007.12 清华大学环境科学与工程系 (副研究员) \r
2007.12-2015.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系 (研究员) \r
2015.01-至今 清华大学环境学院 (长聘教授) \r
2008.03-2009.06 密歇根大学工学院 访问教授 \r
2015.2-2015.3 澳大利亚悉尼大学 访问教授
yue peng, wenzhe si, xiang li, jianjun chen, junhua li, john crittenden, jiming hao. investigation of the poisoning mechanism of lead on the ceo2—wo3 catalyst for the nh3–scr reaction via in situ ir and raman spectroscopy measurement[j]. environmental science & technology, 2016,50(17):9576-9582\r
yue peng, wenzhe si, xiang li, jinming luo, junhua li, john crittenden, jiming hao. comparison of moo3 and wo3 on arsenic poisoning v2o5/tio2 catalyst: drifts and dft study[j]. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2016,181:692-698\r
tao zhang, feng qiu, junhua li. design and synthesis of core-shell structured meso-cu-ssz-13@mesoporous aluminosilicate catalyst for scr of nox with nh3: enhancement of activity, hydrothermal stability and propene poisoning resistance[j]. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2016,195:48-58\r
shen zhao, fangyun hu, junhua li. hierarchical core–shell al2o3@pd-coalo microspheres for low-temperature toluene combustion[j]. acs catalysis, 2016,6(6):3433-3441\r
wenzhe si, yu wang, yue peng, junhua li. selective dissolution of a-site cations in abo3 perovskites: a new path to high-performance catalysts[j]. angewandte chemie international edition, 2015,54(27):7954-7957\r
b bai, j.h. li*, j hao.1d-mno2, 2d-mno2 and 3d-mno2 for low-temperature oxidation of ethanol. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2015, 164, 241-250.\r
y peng, j li*, w si, j luo, y wang, j fu, x li, j crittenden, j hao. deactivation and regeneration of a commercial scr catalyst: comparison with alkali metals and arsenic. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2015, 168: 195-202.\r
y peng, j.h. li*, w si, j luo, q dai, x luo, x liu, j hao. new insight into deactivation of commercial scr catalyst by arsenic: an experiment and dft study. environmental science & technology, 2014, 48 (23): 13895–13900.\r
l ma, y cheng, g cavataio, rw mccabe, l fu, j li*. in situ drifts and temperature-programmed technology study on nh3-scr of no over cu-ssz-13 and cu-sapo-34 catalysts. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2014, 156, 428-437.\r
b.y., j.h. li*. positive effects of k ions on three-dimensional mesoporous ag/co3o4 catalyst for hcho oxidation. acs catal., 2014, 4 (8): 2753–2762.\r
h.z. chang, j.h. li* et. al. a novel mechanism for poisoning of metal oxide scr catalysts: base-acid explanation correlated with redox properties. chem. commun., 2014, 50: 10031-10034.\r
z.m. liu, s.x. zhang, j.h. li. novel v2o5-ceo2/tio2 catalyst with low vanadium loading for the selective catalytic reduction of nox by nh3. appl. catal. b- environ., 2014, 158: 11-19.\r
s.j. yang, s.c. xiong, y. liao, f.h. qi, x. xiao, y. peng, y.w. fu, w.p. shan, j.h. li. mechanism of n2o formation during the low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of no with nh3 over mn-fe spinel. environ. sci. technol. 2014, 48: 10354-10362.\r
peng y; wang cz; li jh. structure-activity relationship of vox/ceo2 nanorod for no removal with ammonia. appl. catal. b-environ. 2014, 144: 538-546.\r
l. ma; y.s. cheng; c. giovanni; r.w. mccabe; l.x. fu; j.h. li. in situ drifts and temperature-programmed technology study on nh3-scr of nox over cu-ssz-13 and cu-sapo-34 catalysts appl. catal. b-environ., 2014, 156, 428-437.\r
liu zm; zhang sx; li jh; ma ll. promoting effect of moo3 on the nox reduction by nh3 over ceo2/tio2 catalyst studied with in situ drifts. appl. catal. b-environ. 2014, 144: 90-95.\r
ma, l; wang, ds; li, jh; bai, by; fu, lx; li, yd. ag/ceo2 nanospheres: efficient catalysts for formaldehyde oxidation. appl. catal. b-environ., 2014, 148, 36-43.\r
peng, y; li, jh; huang, x; li, x; su, wk; sun, xx; wang, dz; hao, jm. deactivation mechanism of potassium on the v2o5/ceo2 catalysts for scr reaction: acidity, reducibility and adsorbed-nox. environ. sci. technol. 2014, 48: 4515-4520\r
b.y. bai, h. arandiyan, j.h. li. comparison of the performance for oxidation of formaldehyde on nano-co3o4, 2d-co3o4, and 3d-co3o4 catalysts. appl. catal. b-environ. 2013, 142, 677-683.\r
h. arandiyan, h.x. dai, j.g. deng, y.x. liu, b.y. bai, y. wang, x.w. li, s.h. xie, j.h. li. three-dimensionally ordered macroporous la0.6sr0.4mno3 with high surface areas: active catalysts for the combustion of methane. j. catal. 2013, 307, 327-339.
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