
李喜德 - 教授-清华大学-航天航空学院-个人资料
现任中国力学学会理事,北京力学会秘书长,北方七省区力学学会学术工作委员会秘书长,中国材料与试验团体标准委员会航空材料领域委员会委员、材料检测与评价技术委员会副主任委员,中国航空工业集团北京航空材料研究院“材料检测与评价航空科技重点实验室”以及“航空材料检测与评价北京市重点实验室”学术委员会委员;《实验力学》副主编,《应用力学学报》等多种杂志编委,《中国大百科全书》第三版(力学学科)编委;欧洲实验力学学会理事(eurasem council member),osa、ans、cctam会员。曾任中国力学学会实验力学专业委员会副主任(2015-2020),《实验力学》副主编(2010-2015)。\r
获教育部自然科学一等奖1项(2009,第二获奖人),国防预研基金二等奖用1项(1998, 第一获奖人),国家自然科学基金优秀结题项目1项(2001)。
m liu, et al., multi-scale analysis of the interaction in ultra-long carbon nanotubes and bundles, journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 2020,142, 104032.\r
y bai, et al., super-durable carbon nanotubes, science, 2020, 369(6507):1104-1106.\r
z wang, et al., creep–fatigue interaction behavior of nickel-based single crystal superalloy at high temperature by in-situ sem observation. international journal of fatigue, 2020, 141, 105879.\r
h xie, et al., scanning imaging restoration of moving or dynamically deforming object. ieee transactions on image processing, 2020, 29: 7290-7305\r
h xie, et al., scanning-digital image correlation for moving and temporally deformed surfaces in scanning imaging mode, experimental mechanics, 2020, 60(8), 1079-1101.\r
j liang, et al., in situ scanning electron microscopy analysis of effect of temperature on small fatigue crack growth behavior of nickel-based single-crystal superalloy,international journal of fatigue, 128 (2019) 105195.\r
x jin, et al., continuous, ultra-lightweight, and multi-purpose super-aligned carbon nanotube tapes viable over a wide range of temperatures, nano letters 2019 19, 6756-6764.\r
z wang, et al., in-situ sem investigation on fatigue behaviors of additive manufactured al-si10-mg alloy at elevated temperature, engineering fracture mechanics, 214 (2019) 149-163.\r
x ye, et al., tensile properties of individual multicellular bacillus subtilis fibers, sci. china-phys. mech. astron. 2019, 62, 994611.\r
w wang, et al., interlayer motion and ultra-low sliding friction in microscale graphite flakes, epl, 2019, 125: 26003.\r
h xie, et al., bending-peeling method to research the effect of lateral stress on superconductivity of rebco tape at liquid-nitrogen temperature, ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 2019, 29(6), 8400508.\r
x huang, et al., temperature control method during current heating of a specimen in scanning microenvironment, journal of experimental mechanics, 2019, 34(6): 911-925. (in chinese)\r
m liu, et al., rigid-flexible contact analysis of an inflated membrane balloon with various contact conditions, international journal of solids and structures, 2018, 144–145: 218–229.\r
p jin, et al., discrete loading ring-core method for nonuniform in-plane residual stress analysis in micro area, j. appl. mech. 2018, 85(9):091002\r
y bai, et al. carbon nanotube bundles with tensile strength over 80 gpa, nature nanotechnology, 2018, 13: 589–595.\r
j liang, et al., in situ scanning electron microscopy-based high-temperature deformation measurement of nickel-based single crystal superalloy up to 800°c, optics and lasers in engineering, 2018, 108: 1-14.\r
x zhang, et al., sensing performance analysis on quartz tuning fork-probe at the high order vibration mode for multi-frequency scanning probe microscopy, sensors, 2018, 18(2),336.\r
p jin, et al., bending-peeling method to measure interface strength of ybco tape. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 2018, 28(3), 6600306.\r
j liang, et al., in-situ high-temperature mechanical property measurement technology and its application in scanning electron microscopy,scientia sinica physica, mechanica & astronomica, 2018, 48(9), 094606. (in chinese)\r
x ye, et al., study of the tensile properties of individual multicellular fibres generated by bacillus subtilis, scientific reports, 2017, 7, 46052.\r
x ye, et al., a multiscale material testing system for in situ optical and electron microscopes and its application. sensors 2017, 17, 1800.\r
p jin, et al., residual stress in nb3sn superconductor strand introduced by structure and stoichiometric distribution after heat treatment, ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 2017, 27(5):6000909.\r
p jin, et al., comparison of residual stress analysis methods:x-ray diffraction method vs stress release method, journal of experimental mechanics, 2017, 32(5):645-651. (in chinese)\r
x zhang,et al., dynamic characterization of small fibers based on the flexural vibrations of a piezoelectric cantilever probe. measurement science and technology, 2016, 27(8): 085006.\r
p jin, et al., correction of image drift and distortion in a scanning electron microscopy, journal of microscopy, 2015, 260(3): 268-280.\r
f gao, et al., research on the sensing performance of the tuning fork-probe as a micro interaction sensor, sensors, 2015, 15(9), 24530-24552.\r
w wang, et al., measurement of the cleavage energy of graphite, nature communications, 2015, 6, 7853.\r
x ling, et al., characterization of micro-contact resistance between a gold nanocrystalline line and a tungsten electrode probe in interconnect fatigue testing. review of scientific instruments, 2014, 85: 104708.\r
f gao, et al, dynamic behavior of tuning fork shear-force structures in a snom system, ultramicroscopy, 2014, 142:10-23.\r
d su, et al., investigation of near-surface mechanical properties of materials using atomic force microscopy. experimental mechanics, 2014, 54(1):11-24.\r
x li, et al., optical metrology under extreme conditions, scientific world journal, 2014, 2014:263603.\r
y fu, et al., interferometric dynamic measurement: techniques based on high-speed imaging or a single photodetector, scientific world journal, 2014, 2014:232906.\r
w guo, et al., correlation study between the spinal symmetry index and the quantified clinical manifestation of lumbar disc herniation patients before and after fsm therapy, china journal of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy, 2014, 29(3): 936-939. (in chinese)\r
j yang, et al., observation of high-speed microscale superlubricity in graphite. physical review letters, 2013, 110, 255504.\r
w zhang, et al., therapeutic effects of chinese osteopathy in patients with lumbar disc herniation. american journal of chinese medicine, 2013, 41(5):983-994.\r
li x; ling x; sun l; liu l; zeng d; zheng q. measurement of mechanical properties of one-dimensional nanostructures with combined multi-probe platform, composites: part b, 2012, 43:70-75.\r
sun l; ling x; li x. alternating-current induced thermal fatigue of gold interconnects with nanometer-scale thickness and width. rev. sci. instrum. 2011, 82: 103903.\r
wang g, li x. on the surface deformation measurement and energy absorption of a honeycomb panel subjected to low-velocity impact,journal of experimental mechanics, 2011, 26(5): 675-681. (in chinese)\r
xia r, li x, qin q, liu n, feng x. surface effects on the mechanical properties of nanoporous materials. nanotechnology, 2011, 22(26), 265714.\r
sun c, su d, li x. investigation of loading and force sensing properties of a probe-type microforce sensor with force-distance curves, science china, technological sciences 2011, 54(8):1362-1370.\r
liu l, li x. a sequence pulse counting method for shape measurement in dual-beam speckle interferometry. science china, physics, mechanics & astronomy, 2011,54(4):640-646.\r
x li, h xie, y kang, x wu. a brief review and prospect of experimental solid mechanics in china, acta mechanica solida sinica, 2010, 23(6), 498-548.\r
li x, su d, zeng d, sun l. progress of micro and nano solid experimental mechanics based on the optical and probe techniques, chinese journal of solid mechanics, 2010,31(6):664-678. (in chinese)\r
d su, x li. fractionized calibration of the sample stage used in an afm-probe mechanical testing system, optics and lasers in engineering, 2010, 48:1076–1081.\r
xia r, li w, wang r, et al., correlation of the thermal and electrical conductivities of nanoporous gold, nanotechnology, 21(8), 085703, 2010.
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