akiyama,hisashi 研究助理 教授-j9九游会

  • akiyama,hisashi
  • akiyama,hisashi - 研究助理 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料



kijewski sd, akiyama h, feizpour a, miller cm, ramirez ng, reinhard bm, gummuluru s. 2016. access of hiv-2 to cd169-dependent dendritic cell-mediated trans infection pathway is attenuated. virology 497:328-336. pmid: 27521724
2.yu x, xu f, ramirez ng, kijewski sd, akiyama h, gummuluru s, reinhard bm. 2015. dressing up nanoparticles: a membrane wrap to induce formation of the virological synapse. acs nano 9:4182-4192. pmid: 25853367
3.feizpour a, yu x, akiyama h, miller cm, edmans e, gummuluru s, reinhard bm. 2015. quantifying lipid contents in enveloped virus particles with plasmonic nanoparticles. small 11:1592-1602. pmid: 25382201
4.akiyama h, ramirez ng, gudheti mv, gummuluru s. 2015. cd169-mediated trafficking of hiv to plasma membrane invaginations in dendritic cells attenuates efficacy of anti-gp120 broadly neutralizing antibodies. plos pathog 11:e1004751. pmid: 25760631
5.yu x, feizpour a, ramirez ng, wu l, akiyama h, xu f, gummuluru s, reinhard bm. 2014. glycosphingolipid-functionalized nanoparticles recapitulate cd169-dependent hiv-1 uptake and trafficking in dendritic cells. nat commun 5:4136. pmid: 24947940
6.gummuluru s, pina ramirez ng, akiyama h. 2014. cd169-dependent cell-associated hiv-1 transmission: a driver of virus dissemination. j infect dis 210 suppl 3:s641-647. pmid: 25414418
7.akiyama h, miller c, patel hv, hatch sc, archer j, ramirez ng, gummuluru s. 2014. virus particle release from glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains is essential for dendritic cell-mediated capture and transfer of hiv-1 and henipavirus. j virol 88:8813-8825. pmid: 24872578
8.schiralli lester gm, akiyama h, evans e, singh j, gummuluru s, henderson aj. 2013. interleukin 2-inducible t cell kinase (itk) facilitates efficient egress of hiv-1 by coordinating gag distribution and actin organization. virology 436:235-243. pmid: 23260110
9.*puryear wb, *akiyama h, geer sd, ramirez np, yu x, reinhard bm, gummuluru s. 2013. interferon-inducible mechanism of dendritic cell-mediated hiv-1 dissemination is dependent on siglec-1/cd169. plos pathog 9:e1003291. pmid: 23593001
* contributed equally.
10.sagar m, akiyama h, etemad b, ramirez n, freitas i, gummuluru s. 2012. transmembrane domain membrane proximal external region but not surface unit-directed broadly neutralizing hiv-1 antibodies can restrict dendritic cell-mediated hiv-1 trans-infection. j infect dis 205:1248-1257. pmid: 22396600
11.akiyama h, ishimatsu m, miura t, hayami m, ido e. 2008. construction and infection of a new simian/human immunodeficiency chimeric virus (shiv) containing the integrase gene of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genome and analysis of its adaptation to monkey cells. microbes infect 10:531-539. pmid: 18403228
12.akiyama h, ido e, akahata w, kuwata t, miura t, hayami m. 2003. construction and in vivo infection of a new simian/human immunodeficiency virus chimera containing the reverse transcriptase gene and the 3′ half of the genomic region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. j gen virol 84:1663-1669. pmid: 12810859

