
cheng,jixin - 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
primary appointment r
department of electrical and computer engineering/biomedical engineeringr
education r
phd, university of science and technology of china, 1998r
additional affiliations r
department of chemistryr
department of physicsr
honors and awards r
moustakas chair professor in photonics and optoelectronics, boston universityr
purdue university college of engineering research excellence award, 2016r
craver award from coblentz society, 2015r
chang-jiang scholar, minister of education, china, 2015-17r
fellow of aimbe (american institute of medicine and biological engineering), 2014r
translational research award from international society for optics and photonics (spie), 2014
"""we develop and apply molecular spectroscopic imaging technologies to enable discovery-driven research towards marker-based precise diagnosis and/or treatment of human diseases. with integrated expertise in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and entrepreneurship, our research team is devoted to:r
developing label-free molecular spectroscopic imaging modalities and pushing their physical limits.r
discovering hidden signatures that define cellular state and functions.r
delivering label-free microscopy and discoveries into clinic for molecule-based diagnosis and treatment."""
yuyan zhu, chih-yu chen, junjie li, ji-xin cheng, miran jang, and kee-hong kim*. “in vitro exploration of acat contributions to lipid droplet formation during adipogenesis.” journal of lipid research (2018). r
yasuyo urasaki, chi zhang, ji-xin cheng, and thuc le. “quantitative assessment of liver steatosis and affected pathways with molecular imaging and proteomic profiling.” scientific reports (2018). r
hyeon jeong lee, jie li, renee e vickman, junjie li, rui liu, abigail c durkes, bennett d elzey, shuhua yue, xiaoqi liu, timothy l ratliff, ji-xin cheng. “cholesterol esterification inhibition suppresses prostate cancer metastasis by impairing the wnt/β-catenin pathway.” molecular cancer research (2018). r
junjie li, xiaochao qu, jie tian, jian-ting zhang, ji-xin cheng*. “cholesterol esterification inhibition and gemcitabine synergistically suppress pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma proliferation.” plos one (2018). r
lu lan, yan xia, rui li, kaiming liu, jieying mai, jennifer anne medley, samilia obeng-gyasi, linda k. han*, pu wang*, ji-xin cheng*. “a fiber optoacoustic guide with augmented reality for precision breast conserving surgery.” (nature) light science & applications (2018). r
yimin huang, ying jiang, qiuyu wu, xiangbing wu, xingda an, alexander chubykin, ji-xin cheng*, xiao-ming xu*, chen yang*. “nanoladders facilitate directional axonal outgrowth and regeneration.” acs biomaterials science & engineering (2018). r
weili hong, caroline w. karanja, nader s. abutaleb, waleed younis, xueyong zhang, mohamed n. seleem* and ji-xin cheng* “antibiotic susceptibility determination within one cell cycle at single bacterium level by stimulated raman metabolic imaging.” analytical chemistry (2018).r
huang, kai-chih, jeremy mccall, pu wang, chien-sheng liao, gregory eakins, ji-xin cheng, and chen yang. “high-speed spectroscopic transient absorption imaging of defects in graphene.” nano letters (2018).r
andy jing chen, xiaojing yuan, junjie li, puting dong, iqbal hamza, and ji-xin cheng. “label-free imaging of heme dynamics in living organisms by transient absorption microscopy.” analytical chemistry (2018).r
yingchun cao, ayeeshik kole, jie hui, yi zhang, jieying mai, mouhamad alloosh, michael sturek, and ji-xin cheng. “fast assessment of lipid content in arteries in vivo by intravascular photoacoustic tomography.” scientific reports 8, no. 1 (2018): 2400.r
chien-sheng liao, pu wang, chih yu huang, peng lin, gregory eakins, r. timothy bentley, rongguang liang cheng and ji-xin cheng. “in vivo and in situ spectroscopic imaging by a handheld stimulated raman scattering microscope.” acs photonics (2018).r
haonan lin, chien-sheng liao, pu wang, nan kong*, ji-xin cheng*. “spectroscopic stimulated raman scattering imaging of highly dynamic specimens through matrix completion.” (nature) light science & applications (2018). r
yeran bai, delong zhang, chen li, cheng liu, and ji-xin cheng. “bond-selective imaging of cells by mid-infrared photothermal microscopy in high wavenumber region.” the journal of physical chemistry b 121, no. 44 (2017): 10249-10255.r
zhimin chen, guo-xiao wang, sara l. ma, dae young jung, hyekyung ha, tariq altamimi, xu-yun zhao et al. “nrg4 promotes fuel oxidation and a healthy adipokine profile to ameliorate diet-induced metabolic disorders.” molecular metabolism 6, no. 8 (2017): 863-872.r
jung eun kim, keagan dunville, junjie li, ji xin cheng, travis b. conley, cortni s. couture, and wayne w. campbell. “intermuscular adipose tissue content and intramyocellular lipid fatty acid saturation are associated with glucose homeostasis in middle-aged and older adults.” endocrinology and metabolism 32, no. 2 (2017): 257-264.r
shovik bandyopadhyay, junjie li, elie traer, jeffrey w. tyner, amy zhou, stephen t. oh, and ji-xin cheng. “cholesterol esterification inhibition and imatinib treatment synergistically inhibit growth of bcr-abl mutation-independent resistant chronic myelogenous leukemia.” plos one 12, no. 7 (2017): e0179558.r
wei chen, chen qian, wei-li hong, ji-xin cheng, and han-qing yu. “evolution of membrane fouling revealed by label-free vibrational spectroscopic imaging.” environmental science & technology 51, no. 17 (2017): 9580-9587.r
jiayingzi wu, liyan you, lu lan, hyeon jeong lee, saadia t. chaudhry, rui li, ji-xin cheng*, jianguo mei*, semiconducting polymer nanoparticles for centimeters-deep photoacoustic imaging in the second near-infrared window, advanced materials, 2017.r
caroline w. karanja, weili hong, waleed younis, hassan e. eldesouky, mohamed n. seleem*, ji-xin cheng*. stimulated raman imaging reveals aberrant lipogenesis as a metabolic marker for azole-resistant candida albicans, analytical chemistry, 2017.r
jung eun kim, keagan dunville, junjie li, ji xin cheng, travis b. conley, cortni s. couture, wayne w. campbell, “intermuscular adipose tissue content and intramyocellular lipid fatty acid saturation are associated with glucose homeostasis in middle-aged and older adults”, endocrinol metab. june 2017, 32(2): 257-264.r
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