
buston,peter - 副教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
d’aloia cc, bogdanowicz sm, harrison rg, buston pm (2016) cryptic genetic diversity and spatial patterns of admixture within belizean marine reserves. conservation genetics 18: 211-233.
buston pm, wong myl (2016) animales que renuncian la reproducción. investigación y ciencia febrero 2016: 76-84.
d’aloia cc, bogdanowicz sm, francis, rk, majoris j, harrison rg, buston pm (2015) patterns, causes and consequences of marine larval dispersal. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, usa 112: 13940-13945.
d’aloia cc, bogdanowicz sm, harrison rg, buston pm (2014) seascape continuity plays and important role in determining spatial genetic structure in a coral reef fish. molecular ecology 23: 2902-2913.
buston pm, d’aloia cc (2013) marine ecology: reaping the benefits of local dispersal. current biology 23: r351-r353.
buston pm, jones gp, planes s, thorrold sr (2012) probability of successful larval dispersal declines fivefold over 1 km in a coral reef fish. proceedings of the royal society of london, series b 279: 1883-1888.
wong myl, buston pm, munday pl, jones gp (2007) the threat of punishment enforces peaceful cooperation and stabilizes queues in a coral reef fish. proceedings of the royal society of london, series b 274: 1093-1099.
buston pm (2003) size and growth modification in clownfish. nature 424: 145-146.
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