davies,sarahw. - 助理教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
davies sw, marchetti a, ries, jb and kd castillo (in press) thermal and pco2 stress elicit divergent transcriptomic responses in a resilient coral. frontiers in marine science fmars-02-00062.
davies sw, wham d, kanke mr and mv matz. (in review) ecological factors rather than barriers to dispersal shape genetic structure of algal symbionts in horizontally-transmitting corals. molecular ecology mec-16-0459. biorxiv.
dixon g, davies sw, aglyamova ga, meyer e, bay lk and mv matz. (2015) genomic determinants of coral heat tolerance across latitudes. science. 348:6242 1460-1462.
davies sw, scarpino sv, pongwarin t, scott j and mv matz. (2015) estimating trait heritability in highly fecund species. g3 genes genomes genetics g3.115.020701.
davies sw, treml e, kenkel cd and mv matz. (2015) exploring the role of micronesian islands in the maintenance of coral genetic diversity in the pacific ocean. molecular ecology. 24: 70-82.
davies sw, meyer e, guermond s and mv matz. (2014) a cross-ocean comparison of settlement cue specificity in reef-building corals. peerj 2:e333.
davies sw, matz mv and pd vize. (2013) ecological complexity of coral recruitment processes: effect of herbivores on coral recruitment and growth depends upon substrate properties and coral species. plos one 8(9): e72830.
davies sw, rahman m, meyer e, green ea, buschizzo m, medina, m and mv matz. (2013) novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered caribbean star coral, montastrea faveolata. marine biodiversity. 43(2): 167-172.
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