
remick,danielg. - 教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
rosenzweig m, seldin dc, remick dg, skinner m, quillen k, oran b, finn kt, sanchorawala v: febrile reactions occurring with second cycle of high-dose melphalan and sct in patients with al amyloidosis: a ‘melphalan recall’ reaction, bone marrow transplant 2010, 45:21-24, pmid: 19421171
horton dl, remick dg: delayed addition of glucocorticoids selectively suppresses cytokine production in stimulated human whole blood, clin vaccine immunol 2010, 17:979-985 pmid: 20445007
draganov d, teiber j, watson c, bisgaier c, nemzek j, remick d, standiford t, la du b: pon1 and oxidative stress in human sepsis and an animal model of sepsis, adv exp med biol 2010, 660:89-97, pmid: 20221873
zhou b, xu w, herndon d, tompkins r, davis r, xiao w, wong wh, toner m, warren hs, schoenfeld da, rahme l, mcdonald-smith gp, hayden d, mason p, fagan s, yu ym, cobb jp, remick dg, mannick ja, lederer ja, gamelli rl, silver gm, west ma, shapiro mb, smith r, camp dg, 2nd, qian w, storey j, mindrinos m, tibshirani r, lowry s, calvano s, chaudry i, cohen m, moore ee, johnson j, moldawer ll, baker hv, efron pa, balis ug, billiar tr, ochoa jb, sperry jl, miller-graziano cl, de ak, bankey pe, finnerty cc, jeschke mg, minei jp, arnoldo bd, hunt jl, horton j, brownstein b, freeman b, maier rv, nathens ab, cuschieri j, gibran n, klein m, o’keefe g: analysis of factorial time-course microarrays with application to a clinical study of burn injury, proc natl acad sci u s a 2010, 107:9923-9928, pmid: 20479259
cuschieri j, bulger e, schaeffer v, sakr s, nathens ab, hennessy l, minei j, moore ee, o’keefe g, sperry j, remick d, tompkins r, maier rv: early elevation in random plasma il-6 after severe injury is associated with development of organ failure, shock 2010, 34:346-351, pmid: 20844410
natarajan s, kim j, remick dg: chronic pulmonary lps tolerance induces selective immunosuppression while maintaining the neutrophilic response, shock 2010, 33:162-169, pmid: 19487981
osuchowski mf, craciun fl, schuller e, sima c, gyurko r, remick dg: untreated type 1 diabetes increases sepsis-induced mortality without inducing a prelethal cytokine response, shock 2010, 34:369-376, pmid: 20610941
uddin j, gonzalez ae, gilman rh, thomas lh, rodriguez s, evans ca, remick dg, garcia hh, friedland js: mechanisms regulating monocyte cxcl8 secretion in neurocysticercosis and the effect of antiparasitic therapy, j immunol 2010, 185:4478-4484, pmid: 20826750
vaickus lj, bouchard j, kim j, natarajan s, remick dg: assessing pulmonary pathology by detailed examination of respiratory function, am j pathol 2010, 177:1861-1869, pmid: 20724595
vaickus lj, bouchard j, kim j, natarajan s, remick dg: oral tolerance inhibits pulmonary eosinophilia in a cockroach allergen induced model of asthma: a randomized laboratory study, respir res 2010, 11:160, pmid: 21092270
craciun fl, schuller er, remick dg: early enhanced local neutrophil recruitment in peritonitis-induced sepsis improves bacterial clearance and survival, j immunol 2010, 185:6930-6938, pmid: 21041722
vaickus lj, bouchard j, kim j, natarajan s, remick dg: inbred and outbred mice have equivalent variability in a cockroach allergen-induced model of asthma, comp med 2010, 60:420-426, pmid: 21262127
stearns-kurosawa dj, osuchowski mf, valentine c, kurosawa s, remick dg: the pathogenesis of sepsis, annu rev pathol 2011, 6:19-48, pmid: 20887193
natarajan s, kim j, bouchard j, cruikshank w, remick dg: reducing lps content in cockroach allergens increases pulmonary cytokine production without increasing inflammation: a randomized laboratory study, bmc pulm med 2011, 11:12, pmid: 21345191
belikoff bg, hatfield s, georgiev p, ohta a, lukashev d, buras ja, remick dg, sitkovsky m: a2b adenosine receptor blockade enhances macrophage-mediated bacterial phagocytosis and improves polymicrobial sepsis survival in mice, j immunol 2011, 186:2444-2453, pmid: 21242513
belikoff b, hatfield s, sitkovsky m, remick dg: adenosine negative feedback on a2a adenosine receptors mediates hyporesponsiveness in chronically septic mice, shock 2011, 35:382-387, pmid: 21192284
kim j, natarajan s, bae h, jung sk, cruikshank w, remick dg: herbal medicine treatment reduces inflammation in a murine model of cockroach allergen-induced asthma, ann allergy asthma immunol 2011, 107:154-162, pmid: 21802024
kong x, thimmulappa r, craciun f, harvey c, singh a, kombairaju p, reddy sp, remick d, biswal s: enhancing nrf2 pathway by disruption of keap1 in myeloid leukocytes protects against sepsis, am j respir crit care med 2011, pmid: 21799073
asimaki a, tandri h, duffy er, winterfield jr, mackey-bojack s, picken mm, cooper lt, wilber dj, marcus fi, basso c, thiene g, tsatsopoulou a, protonotarios n, stevenson wg, mckenna wj, gautam s, remick dg, calkins h, saffitz je: altered desmosomal proteins in granulomatous myocarditis and potential pathogenic links to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, circ arrhythm electrophysiol 2011, 4:743-752, pmid: 21859801
kim j, natarajan s, vaickus lj, bouchard jc, beal d, cruikshank ww, remick dg: diesel exhaust particulates exacerbate asthma-like inflammation by increasing cxc chemokines, am j pathol 2011, 179:2730-2739, pmid: 21967814
chiswick el, duffy e, japp b, remick d: detection and quantification of cytokines and other biomarkers, methods mol biol 2012, 844:15-30, pmid: 22262432
moitra r, beal dr, belikoff bg, remick dg: presence of preexisting antibodies mediates survival in sepsis, shock 2012, 37:56-62, pmid: 21921828
natarajan s, kim j, bouchard j, cruikshank w, remick dg: pulmonary endotoxin tolerance protects against cockroach allergen-induced asthma-like inflammation in a mouse model, int arch allergy immunol 2012, 158:120-130, pmid: 22269653
winfield rd, delano mj, cuenca ag, cendan jc, lottenberg l, efron pa, maier rv, remick dg, moldawer ll, cuschieri j: obese patients show a depressed cytokine profile following severe blunt injury, shock 2012, pmid: 22266966
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