davison,ian - 助理教授-波士顿大学-个人资料
mertz j, gasecka a, daradich a, davison i, coté d (2014) phase-gradient contrast in thick tissue with a scanning microscope. biomed. opt. express 5: 407-416.
davison ig, ehlers md (2011) neural circuit mechanisms for pattern detection and feature combination in olfactory cortex. neuron 70: 82-94.
kennedy mj, davison ig, robinson cg, ehlers md (2010) syntaxin-4 defines a domain foractivity-dependent exocytosis in dendritic spines. cell 141: 524-535.
arenkiel br, klein me, davison ig, katz lc, ehlers md (2008) genetic control of neuronal activity in mice conditionally expressing trpv1. nature methods 5(4): 299-302.
arenkiel br, peca j, davison ig, feliciano c, deisseroth k, augustine gj, ehlers md, feng g (2007) in vivo light-induced activation of neuroal circuitry in transgenic mice expressing channelrhodopsin-2. neuron 54: 205-18.
davison ig, katz lc (2007) sparse and selective odor coding by mitral/tufted neurons in the main olfactory bulb. j. neurosci. 24 (3): 8057-8067.
davison ig, boyd jd, delaney kr (2004) dopamine inhibits mitral/tufted to granule cell synapses in the frog olfactory bulb. j. neurosci. 24 (3): 8057-8067.
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